Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blog or DIE

Since people don't talk on phones anymore, we decided to join in the world of blog to stay connected with family and friends.

(Even us backwoods Idahoans know how to use them thar computers and this fandangled Internet!)


Aleighy said...

Holy cow! I never would have thought you would have broken down and started yourself a blog! Congrats! Even though I see you a couple times a week, it's still nice to see what you've been doing when we're not together.

Melanie and Ernie said...

Well...we didn't want to talk to you we'll just blog. It's nice to see you on here though.

Melanie and Ernie said...

Where's your dun Hayden?

The Kaonohi's said...

Hi Merilee, I saw your blog link on Ambers and I was so excited. How are you? How is the pregnant mama? I bet your kids are so excited. Take Care!