Saturday, August 23, 2008

Before and After

I just have to put this on here so I can remember how uncomfortable I look every time a sweet little baby sounds like a good idea. I have to say that it is much more convenient to carry baby in a detachable front carrier and I have never been so excited about being able to touch my toes.....oh! and seeing my toes is nice too! Speaking of sweet little babies, Grace is as sweet as ever. She is a very well behaved baby, at least most of the time! For the most part, she sleeps through the night which neither of my other babies did. Sage and Hayden are very willing helpers and love to love (and sometimes maul) their little sister. We are just trying to get use to our new normal with Andrew working and Sage in school. Even I have started back to work on a minimal basis. It is nice to have a schedule.
Before--9 months pregnant (2 days before delivery)
After--4 weeks after Gracie's birth.


Anonymous said...

Merilee, this is April (Adams). I can't believe I found your blog, that's what blog stalking will do for you!!!
I just had to leave a comment and see how you are doing. I had my third baby 2 days before you.
Your kids are beautiful!!!
What are you guys up to? I hope to hear back from you, congrats on the baby!

Melanie said...

Yeah...the only words that come to my mouth are "I'm jealous"...I can't wait to detach this weight and set him down. You look amazing, both 9 months prego and 4 weeks after...I hope I look as good as you (which will never happen, but I can dream).

Only Girl said...

Mer your darling both ways!!!
But... Grace is much more adorable on the outside.
Im so glad that she is here safe and your both doing good.

Michelle C said...

I never saw you 9 months pregnant and I must say that I am jealous! I hope someday I can look as good as you do when I'm expecting!! You look great.