Andrew, Merilee, Sage, Hayden, & Grace
Looks beautiful! Why the grumpy faces Ern & Mel?
What beautiful scenery! Gorgeous. Your family is so cute. It's fun to see how much they look like you. :-)
Merilee,Looks like fun... We just moved to Rexburg to live with my in-laws we will have to get together.
I can't believe how big the kids are getting!
We had a great time...we probably have grumpy faces because ernie is a horrible rower
Merilee your little Grace is so big! I miss seeing you at staff mtg! Looks like fun!
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Looks beautiful! Why the grumpy faces Ern & Mel?
What beautiful scenery! Gorgeous. Your family is so cute. It's fun to see how much they look like you. :-)
Looks like fun... We just moved to Rexburg to live with my in-laws we will have to get together.
I can't believe how big the kids are getting!
We had a great time...we probably have grumpy faces because ernie is a horrible rower
Merilee your little Grace is so big! I miss seeing you at staff mtg! Looks like fun!
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